Sunday, May 9, 2010

Unicorns, etc.

I am just full of sunshine and rainbows this weekend, y'all.
Oliver and I roadtripped the two hours to Petit Jean yesterday and did some hiking.  As it turns out, hiking alone is refreshing for the first twenty minutes or so.  Then, it's painfully, mind numbingly boring.  Also, a little scary.  All I'm saying is, if I was a serial killer, I would hide in the woods waiting for some dumb broad to come trotting down the trails by herself.  This thought did not occur to me until I was a good hour into the trail.  Cue mild panic attack.  On the way back, Oliver peed in my lap.  It was a dark moment in the Corolla.  I may or may not have cried a little going 85 down the highway.  Pee is gross.

I didn't take a single picture worth sharing on this hike.  But I'm sharing this one anyway.  You're welcome.

Last night, I drank too much and spent most of today paying for it.  It's a routine I'm growing tired of.  But Drunk Annie just doesn't care about Sober Annie's well being.  At all.

Okay, so, I need help.  Really, I just need someone to decorate my apartment.  Here's your canvas, creative types. I need answers pronto.  If I have to stare at these blank, weird off-white walls much longer, I'm going to lose my mind.

Disregard our dirty cofee table.

Who even puts a brick wall in an apartment?  When we were looking at the place, we said stupid things like, "Oh, that's unique!" and now we say things like, "HOW DO YOU HANG THINGS ON A BRICK WALL!?"  This is stressing me out.  Help.